5 Fab Facts About Boobs

To celebrate the beginning of World Breastfeeding Week and National Breastfeeding Month, we wanted to put together a list of our favourite facts about boobies. Pre-children, we didn’t give breasts much thought, other than how they looked in a cute top, but with pregnancy and motherhood comes a whole new world of mammary adventures.

We understand that not all women choose to breastfeed and that for some, breastfeeding isn’t a choice due to physical or psychological barriers, or simply a lack of support. If this is a sensitive subject for you, we recommend popping over to the blog and giving this one a miss.

At NINE+QUARTER we’re pro-breastfeeding, but we’re also supporters of your right to choose what’s best for you. 

#5 Breastfeeding Helps Postpartum Recovery

By breastfeeding in the hours and days following childbirth, your body gets a headstart on its recovery process. Breastfeeding releases a range of hormones, one of which is oxytocin. This hormone has a number of great properties (more on that later), one of which is helping your uterus contract back to its usual size. 

Not only that, but the work your body puts into creating breast milk actually burns around 500-600 calories per day, helping to reduce some of the extra weight gained during pregnancy. To put that into context, that’s the same as doing a 45-minute spin class or a 60-minute jog. Phew! 

Breastfeeding promotes weight loss

Creating breast milk actually burns around 500-600 calories per day.

#4 Breastfeeding Affects Your Brain

Remember that funky hormone we mentioned? Well, it does more than just tighten up your uterus! During a breastfeeding session, your brain releases both oxytocin and prolactin, which increase the experience of love and help with bonding, as well as easing feelings of anxiety and stress. Let’s face it, in those thankless early days of breastfeeding a newborn, the more chilled brain hormones the better!

Many women experience the relaxing effects of oxytocin quite strongly, feeling a sudden wave of tiredness while breastfeeding - a definite bonus during those endless night feeds!

#3 Breast Milk Has Super Powers...

Seriously, there’s something a little out-of-this-world about the magic liquid that breasts create. Sure, it has the power to sustain a human life, which is a fairly impressive feat in its own right, but that’s not all. 

According to the World Health Organisation, the antibodies present in breast milk help to protect infants from a range of common childhood illnesses. From pneumonia and respiratory infections to diarrhoea and gastroenteritis, breastfed babies are less likely to get ill, and quicker to bounce back when they do.

#2 We’re Not Kidding About Those Super Powers!

It isn’t only babies who benefit from breastfeeding, mums do too. For every year a woman nurses her child, the risk of her developing breast cancer reduces by 4-6%! There are a range of other health conditions that breastfeeding can protect against too, with the NHS stating that it can lower your risk of ovarian cancer, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and obesity. 

Although we’re pretty sure that no-one decides to breastfeed purely for their own wellbeing, it’s an added bonus that it’s not just baby enjoying the health benefits!

Breastmilk changes when a baby is sick

When a baby is sick the breastmilk changes to produce the specific antibodies needed.

#1 Breast Milk Has A Mind Of Its Own

So, we know that breast milk can reduce your risk of cancer, protect your baby from childhood illness and improve your mood - what can possibly top those facts?! This boob fact earned its spot in top place because it’s simply mind-blowing. 

Breast milk CHANGES to suit your babies needs. 

Not just from month to month as they grow, but weekly, daily, even hourly! Research suggests that when a baby has been exposed to certain germs or illness, this information is passed through their saliva, decoded by the mother’s body, and that the milk then adapts to produce the specific antibodies needed. The same thing even happens in reverse - if mum has a virus, her body will give the baby the right antibodies to keep them protected. 

Mind. Blown. 

If you’re trying to breastfeed but find yourself struggling or don’t know where to turn for support, know that you’re not alone! You may find the honesty and advice in this article helpful. We hope you enjoyed these Fab Facts About Boobs! Happy Breastfeeding Month from us to you - you’re doing great!

Keep your eyes peeled for the next blog, where we’ll be discussing Natural Term Breastfeeding.


Originally from New Zealand, Sarah is a mother to two boys and has lived in the UK for the past 10 years. She is a home-educator, freelance writer, Netflix-binger and has a penchant for strong black coffee.

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